【二米炊烟】Lard 豬油拌飯&蓮白油渣,懂得如何提煉雪白的豬油,便能烹Ƈ

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). Every winter, I extract a can of lard at home. It’s easy to be preserved like this, and it can sustain us eating for half a year. In Chinese kitchens, lard is always very useful. There are many dishes that cannot be cooked without lard. I made the carp and radish soup this time, steamed eggs with minced meat, Stir-fried cabbage with lard residue and delicious lard bibimbap. 每年冬天,家裡都會提煉一罐豬油 這樣保存起來也不易壞,能吃上大半年 在中國的的廚房,豬油總有特殊的用處 有許多菜肴
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