BEST PIANO MEDLEY PARTY EVER! With Thomas Krüger & Open Piano for Refugees ♥︎
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Again a really wonderful piano medley with my Vienna friend and great musician and pianist @Omartayi! We just made it again and create a fantastic fabulous piano medley with this nice crowd. ♥︎
Follow Omar Altayi 🎹 on YouTube & Instagram:
► @Omartayi
..mega! Vielen vielen lieben Dank für das Aufnehmen des Medleys. An meine geehrte Kamerafrau Aphrodite Medek. ☘️
Big probs and thanks to Aphrodite Medek for this video! 📹 🙌 👏 👌 🙏 👍
Video by @AphroditeMedek
Social cultural piano project:
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“Mr. Pianoman live in Concert“ 🎶
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More of my videos:
Two Pianists meet KELVIN JONES and they perform Hallelujah live on the street
What Is Love by Haddaway – Crazy Street Music Performance
Linkin Park Piano Medley (In the End What I’ve done) in pedestrian zone
#thomaskrüger #pianomedley #party #publicpiano