Rescue Training Group Hit By Avalanche in Slovakia

Subscribe to “Weather News“ on YouTube Channel! Rescue Training Group Hit By Avalanche in Slovakia An avalanche hit the rescuer candidates in training. Everything was recorded Lawina zjechała na szkolących się kandydatów na ratowników. Wszystko się nagrało A training day for a mountain rescue group in Slovakia’s High Tatras nearly turning into a real life emergency situation after an avalanche was triggered and rained down on the group from a cliff above. Thankfully no one was injured in the incident but the footage is quite scary. Yikes. Moment zejścia lawiny pyłowej w Tatrach Słowackic Momenti i ortekut në Tatra-n sllovake! Regjistruar nga Ivan Schwarzbacher #Avalanche #słowackietatry Tatrach Słowackich #снег #зима #метель #slovakia Moment zejścia lawiny pyłowej w Tatrach Słowackich
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