LONDON BOYS: “Requiem“ (Good audio quality!)

London Boys were Edem Ephraim (lead singer) and Dennis Fuller (backing vocals, choreographer) both from Greenwich, London. Plus “third“ London Boy Ralf-René Maué based in Hamburg, Germany who wrote and produced all their material. The recipe for that unique London Boys sound was a crossover style made of “High Energy“ disco roots mixed with glam rock attitudes, huge anthem-like chorus melodies, rap, distorted rock guitars, contemporary dance grooves and, for the first time in pop history, Gregorian chants. Everything expertly arranged and blown up to a larger than life scale by Ralf-René Maué’s superb Phil-Spector-like (solid walls of sound!) disco-drama production skills. The strong visual aspect of the London Boys, with Edem and Dennis being two good looking extremely fit guys with a professional dancing background was the icing on the cake. Selling millions the London Boys reached nearly double platinum status in the UK plus gold/platinum and double platinum
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