5 Easy HIP HOP Steps Tutorial for Beginners - Start to Learn Hip Hop Dancing Today!

You wanna know how to start learning hip hop dance? Here come 5 easy hip hop steps for beginners (Bounce, Step Touch, Kick Ball Change, Lock It Down & Box Step)! This hip hop dance tutorial is perfect for you if you would like to learn some basic steps as a beginner. Together we are going to practice the steps step by step and in the end we will combine them to a nice & sweet little warm up choreo! Hope you like it :) Welcome to my new series: Dance Choreography Tutorial for Beginners! In this series I regularly give you an online dance class at home. We dive into different dance styles like Jazz, Hip Hop or House Dance and learn together a new choreography. I always mirror my movements for you, so you can dance them more easily at home. My Dance Choreography Tutorials for Beginners are perfect for people who like to try out dancing and have fun with movement. And let’s be honest, what better way to learn than in a Free Dance Class? 👉👉👉 Ch
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