YAGP 2021 Boston Semi-Final - Hope Award winner Eric Poor - Age 11 - “Swan“ - CityDance School

Eric Poor, Age 11, from CityDance School and Conservatory, performs “Swan“ by Lorraine Spiegler at the YAGP 2021 Boston Semi-Final, where he received the Hope Award in the Pre-Competitive Age Division. Youth America Grand Prix (YAGP) is the world’s largest student ballet scholarship competition and global dance network, connecting students, teachers, schools, dance companies, and audiences worldwide. Now in its 22nd season, YAGP has reached more than 150,000 participants worldwide through its international ballet workshops, ballet auditions, ballet competitions, and ballet master classes. To date, over $4 million has been awarded to young dancers in scholarships to leading dance schools worldwide, including The Ailey School, American Ballet Theatre JKO School, The Australian Ballet School, Ballet West Academy, Berlin State Ballet School, Bolshoi Ballet Academy Summer Intensive, Boston Ballet School, Canada’s National Ballet School, Dutch National Ballet Academy, English Natio
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