【Stereo】戦勝の祝砲よ語れ-我らの전승의 축포여 말하라-우리의 , Fireworks of War Victory - Our ()

*English & Japanese subtitles (Korean subtitles is on the video). 日本語字幕付き 0:00 (1)戦勝の祝砲よ語れ / 전승의 축포여 말하라 / Tell, Fireworks of War Victory Lyrics: 리지성 / Ri Ji Song Composition: 남철 / Nam Chol 2013 Female Duet: 김류경 (Kim Ryu Kyong, Blue), 문서향 (Mun Seo Hyang, Red) 5:26 (2)我らの /우리의 / Our Lyrics: 리종오 / Ri Jong O Composition: 황진영 / Hwang Jin Yong 1993 Concert; 위대한 전승 69돐 기념공연 祖国解放戦争 戦勝69周年記念公演 Celebration of 69th Anniversary of Great Victory in Fatherland Liberation War () *English, Russian & Japanese subtitles (Korean subtitles is on the video). *English subtitles are provided by Moranbong Band HD. (I added one sentence of this song. I hope it is understandable.) *Russian subtitles has been added by AVG67. *日本語字幕付き Playlist of this concert; 祖国解放戦争戦勝69周年記念公演 ()
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