How to apply hip throw with ease. Two step rule \ Sambo academy

Me and my team wanted to improve the quality of our videos, help us understand what you would like to watch? If you want to see my life and get answers to your questions at once, subscribe to my Instagram @ivanvasylchuk_sp How to apply hip throw with ease. Two step rule. When I came to my sambo gym this was the first throw I learned. Hip toss teaches you proper movement on the mat. So my advice is to learn the throw if you don’t know it yet and make it one of your weapons ================================================ Sambo is a versatile sport because it has large amount of techniques in standing position as well as on the ground. Why can’t you throw an opponent who’s equal or stronger opponent? There are two main reasons. First - you’re setting up and doing the throw wrong, and the second you’re predictable and everyone knows your moves. In both cases your technique is flawed and something has to be changed. All progressive MMA fighters are incorporating sambo
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