Tomb Raider 3 Custom Level - Nevada Adventure Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) - Nevada Adventure Walkthrough Level By : StormChaser Story An undercover government operative has infiltrated a secret Nevada base that is carrying out unauthorized activities. Just before being captured, the operative hid a notebook containing the proof of these operations. Lara’s task is to infiltrate the base and find the notebook and return it to the authorities. Will she find the notebook? Can she survive the desert conditions and the hostile forces? As usual, the secrets are easily to be spotted. I really expect to see author make the secret harder in the next game. All the stuff here is linear. No other exploration needed. I think I enjoy the fight with enemies the most lol. It’s an average level. The author has improved the latest level a lot. Still worth to see his upcoming level in the future. :) Seeking List : 0:40 Secret #1 1:06 Access Swipe Card 2:38 Secret #2 3:04 Shotgun 6:17 Uzis 7:45 Uzis 8:16 Cro
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