Trump, No CBDC. Drone hits Russia nuclear radar. $320M pier breaks. Elensky, victim dictates terms

Trump, No CBDC. Drone hits Russia nuclear radar. $320M pier breaks. Elensky, victim dictates terms Topic 1340 00:00 Trump vows to stop CBDC and support crypto 03:06 Trump does not support Central Bank digital currencies 09:07 UK economy facing tough choices ahead 12:04 Justice Minister plans to send prisoners to fight in Ukraine 18:28 Ukraine drone hits Russian nuclear radar 20:53 Ukraine’s potential destruction of Russia’s nuclear detection system causing escalation 25:56 Potential Russian retaliation targets in Ukraine 28:14 Germany refuses to send tourist missiles to Ukraine 32:39 Discussion on using future profits from Frozen funds as collateral for a loan to Ukraine 34:44 G7 leaders plan to steal $300 billion, impacting West Financial system 39:38 Delinsky misrepresents China’s obligations to Ukraine 42:33 Marron’s Empire depiction critique Crafted by Merlin AI. ****THE DURAN SHOP**** Get Ready for Summer and Save 15%!
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