DrawTogether Inside Weather

The new DrawTogether kicks off with a classic: Inside Weather! We do a little Friday dance and check the weather outside, DrawTogether kid Ambuja explains the Inside Weather Chart to newcomers, and we draw and paint our own charts to hang in our home studios. Suso’s weather turns from sleepy to sunny! Pencils up, friends. Everything is better when we DrawTogether. Suggested supplies: Paper, Pen or Pencil, Colors (Crayons, Colored Pencils or Paints). Optional: scissors and tape, clips or pins to hang the finished Chart on the wall. **For Teachers: Episode supports SEL Competencies: Self-Awareness (identifying and labeling emotions, recognizing emotions are temporary and will change; recognize emotions effect behavior; self-confidence) and Self-Management (monitoring and regulating emotions, stress management, self-motivation, goal setting) and incorporates both fine and gross motor skills. Closed Captions available via YouTube. DrawTogether is committed to making drawing and socio-emotional learning available to every child. Please contact kate@ with accessibility questions and comments. DrawTogether​ with WendyMac is a drawing show that’s a class that’s a club - for kids! Join us! Be sure to like and comment on this episode, and subscribe here on YouTube!
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