The Real People of Color: Whites are the most Diverse and Colourful Race of people

Most humans have black hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. White people have a different color scheme, their hair being also brown, flaxen, golden, or red, and their eyes also blue, gray, hazel, or green. Finally, their skin is pale. True People of Color. Whites are the only people of color. White race is the ONLY race that has big VARIATION! We are natures diversity! White people can have blond, brown, red or black hair and blue, green, hazel, brown or black eyes. Among all other races (and they are in big majoroty) people look the same: black hair and brown or black eyes. Wouldn´t it be soooo b-o-r-i-n-g if all people look the same!?! And that´s what those ugly, stupid and mentaly sick anti-whites has been trying to “create“ for years: “brown-people“ from mixing-races!! Those idiots and treators (anti-whites) must be stoped!!!!!!!!!! We are the people of color(s), their just brown, brown & brown. We are natures diversity. In optics, white is the presence of every color frequency, while black is simply the negation of all color. Your computer monitor would not work if any other definition was used. Plus the idea that black = color, while white is somehow not is so laughably retarded and clearly an attempt to anesthetize Europeans of their essential identity.
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