Live Boreal Birds at the Ontario FeederWatch Cam, Powered by Perky-Pet® | Cornell Lab

Watch online with highlight clips and information about the birds at Thanks to Perky-Pet for helping to make the Ontario FeederWatch Cam possible! Like the feeders you see? Check out their selection at The FeederWatch cam is located in a residential neighborhood in Manitouwadge, Ontario. This northern site is an excellent location to see winter finches like redpolls and grosbeaks as well as two species of Jays and even Ruffed Grouse! The feeders sit in the middle of a large backyard with a large birch tree that the birds love, as well as a mixed stand of conifers and several fruit and berry producing shrubs. There’s a small swamp just beyond the backyard as well as larger stands of woods and a small feeder system is the product of the camera hosts’ ingenuity, making use of plastic piping to support the feeders high enough above ground to foil the occasional squirrel, and a rotating set of feeders that provide black
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