How to Apply a Realistic Tattoo in Photoshop | Adobe Creative Cloud

Learn how to add a tattoo to a person in a photo so that it looks like a real tattoo. Buy Adobe Photoshop here to get started: Start from scratch, or download practice files [] for a head start. Steps below. Prep your project For this project, you’ll need two images: One of a tattoo graphic and one of a person who will model the tattoo. 1. Open . 2. Choose File – Place (Embedded or Linked), select . 3. Move the tattoo layer above the model photo layer. 4. Move, scale, or rotate the tattoo so that it’s roughly in the position you want it over the model. Press Return (or Enter) to place the image. 5. In the Layers panel, right-click on the tattoo layer and choose Convert to Smart Object so that future edits are non-destructive. Create the tattoo composite 1. In the Layers panel, select the tattoo layer. Set the Blend Mode to Multiply and reduce the layer opacity to 80%. 2. Click the Add layer mask icon, sel
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