Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle | Audiotree Live

Download & stream Julien Baker on Audiotree Live -- Julien Baker is a lyrically complex singer-songwriter whose solo career exploded upon the release of her critically acclaimed debut album, “Sprained Ankle.” She has been touring and performing in bands from a very young age, but her past musical contributions lie mostly in punk and rock. As a solo artist, she crafts emotionally-wrenching tunes that frankly describe death, loss, and faith through poignant autobiographical illustration. In person, Baker’s goofy, fun-loving sense of humor seems in complete opposition to the character represented on the cover of “Sprained Ankle.” This polarity is paramount to Julien Baker’s appeal; she writes the music she does for catharsis and then opens herself up to life. She is a well-read and equally well-spoken person whose has a vested interest in Canon literature. This knowledge isn’t a prerequisite for storytelling, but it clearly informs Baker’s lyrical approach. The stories in her
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