【IconiA】EP13:ASTRO 創作擔當 JINJIN&ROCKY 組成小分隊出來喘口氣?|炎亞綸 Aaron Yan

JINJIN&ROCKY 發行迷你專輯《RESTORE》,竟然是因為站在高樓往下看而產生了創作靈感? JINJIN&ROCKY released mini album “RESTORE“, the inspiration was came from looking down from high floor? JINJIN原來是海釣高手? JINJIN is good at fishing? ROCKY把工作當興趣? ROCKY combines his work and interests? 炎P 的韓文歌實力竟被稱讚? Aaron was praised about his Korean song skills? JINJIN&ROCKY 大唱謝謝炎亞綸,卻意外勾起炎P傷心事?! JINJIN&ROCKY made Aaron sad because of they sing “thanks Aaron”? - 看更多精彩內容請鎖定【IconiA】,並記得訂閱炎亞綸 YouTube 頻道喔! For more exciting content, please stay tune for【IconiA】of the week. 🔔 Subscribe To My YouTube Channel : 本集節目由KUCHI KUCHI贊助播出 This episode is sponsored by KUCHI KUCHI. #AaronYan #炎亞綸 #JINJINandROCKY #CLCNE - ・炎亞綸官方 Facebook ・炎亞綸官方 Instagram ・炎亞綸官方 Weibo ・更多活動詳情請上 索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan Instagram 索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan CPOP
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