A. Savage - Thanksgiving Prayer

Listen to new single Thanksgiving Prayer here: Follow A. Savage on instagram here: Director/Editor/Producer: Tiff Pritchett Director of Photography: David Spector 1st Assistant Camera: Evan Wilkins Makeup Artist: Isa Castro-Cota Production Assistant: Hunter Reed Lead Actor (as himself): A. Savage Saxophonist: Jeff Tobias Drummer: Annie Hart Bassist: Kelsa Kuchera Prop assistants - Pam Garavano, Melanie Sheehan, Ryan Naideau LYRICS My money melts like sugar in the shower when I don’t sing Like a broken mockingbird that’s put in pawn And traded in for diamond jewelry The shines but only briefly in the golden heart of fall Where the afternoons wain quickly and your breath Floats in the final beams of evening But I don’t need dollars, pounds, or pesos To know I am rich I’ve got people who allow themselves to love me And are insane enough to be loved It
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