Byzar - “Phylyx“

Ha! #classic!! This is a music video I directed myself for the band I was in, just about, along with a bunch of much more talented musicians led up by my friend Akin Adams, whose changed his name a few times over the years but never stopped being one of my very favo(u)rite people. Our band was called Byzar, and it was gleefully, willfully obscure and allegedly highly influential electronic illbient (just don’t ask who invented that term or DJs Olive and Spooky will still blast you for asking) coming at you from the tippytail of the fun end of the last century from an 8th floor garment factory walkup on Walker Street, Chinatown, NYC, that I also lived in, in a tent suspended from the ceiling, astonishingly. The landlord couldn’t know we lived there, aside from anything. It looked insanely fabulous I must dig out the photos, but I had to climb up a 30’ ladder to get in there. And needless to say we had no air conditioning so in the summer oodles of black tar dripped down from the leaking-to-crap patched-to-crap
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