Macaws in Costa Rica - The beautiful Scarlet Macaw of Costa Rica

Macaws in Costa Rica - The beautiful Scarlet Macaw of Costa Rica Scarlet Macaws are a must-see in Costa Rica: From tip to tail, the average adult scarlet macaw measures approximately 30 inches, or 2 ½ feet, in length. They spend most of their time navigating large trees near river mouths and estuaries, searching for food, grooming each other and mating. This particular species of parrot typically travel in groups of a half-dozen or more, and they have the ability to make a lot of noise when they get riled up. Chances are, you’ll hear a flock of scarlet macaws before you see them. With rock-hard beaks, scarlet macaw live off a diet primarily comprised of seeds, leaves, and berries. They have also been known to dine on clay. The reason for this, experts say, is that scarlet macaw are able to eat fruits that contain high levels of toxins, and the clay can help neutralize these poisonous edibles. Scarlet macaws can be found from Mexico through Central America and as far south as Brazil
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