728 Hz Music: Return to the Source Code of GOD Hz The Golden Ratio ♡ Spiritual Healing Music
728 Hz Music, Return to the Source Code of GOD, Hz Golden Ratio Frequency for Spiritual Healing Music and Meditation, Relaxation and Zen Mindfulness.
728 Hz Music
Return to the Source Code of GOD
Hz The Golden Ratio
Spiritual Healing Music
♡ NO HEADPHONES REQUIRED⎪Results ⎪Comfortable
♡ WITH HEADPHONES⎪Results ⎪Comfortable
To Support Lokosmotivos Meditation Music:
To Purchase Latest Tracks:
Infinite Gratefulness for Existence
Ivo Artur
♡ This Music has been tuned to A4 = 432.9 Hz and 60 Bpm
To meet 728 Hz Spiritual Healing Awareness
In this track You Will Feel:
Binaural Beats, Monaural Beats and Isochronic Tones at once
♡ it features:
☯ 40 Hz Brain’s Operating System ► Brain Frequency
☯ Hz Code of GOD ► Golden Ratio Frequency
☯ 432.9 Hz Spiritual Healing Music ► Tuning
♡ Intent:
☯ Return to the Source Code of GOD ♡ Spiritual Healing
♡ About:
☯ Hz Golden Ratio
The Fibonacci Sequence, or Golden ratio, is a phenomenon of growing interest, but how can knowledge of the mathematical equation of creation help you achieve your goals?
The Fibonacci Sequence, otherwise known as Golden ration or Golden mean is a mathematical equation found in everything in our universe. It is in your DNA, in the growing pattern of plants and trees, weather patterns and even galaxies. It is a mathematical equation through which creation takes form as a manifest object.
☯ 40 Hz Brain’s Operating System
Dominant when problem solving in fearful situations.
Gamma - associated with information-rich task processing & high-level information processing
“’For scientists who study the human brain, even its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy.
40 Hz brain activity may be a kind of binding mechanism’, said Dr. Rodolfo Llinas a professor of neuroscience at New York University. Llinas believes that the 40-cycle-per-second wave serves to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing occurs, and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay & integrative functions are carried out.“
Used in conjunction with 22 HZ for ’out of body’ travel;
Also used with 22 HZ for psychic healing.
“40--Hz activity varies from 38.8 to ,
regardless of the electrode site.
The average frequency is in the ~ range.
In summary, when the body is profoundly relaxed & the mind is in a state of high focus and concentration, 20 & 40-Hz brain activity can be seen in the raw and quantitative EEG of some subjects.
It is possible that 18 to 22-Hz Beta & possibly 40-Hz neurofeedback training may help create a “relaxed body/focused mind“ state of consciousness.“
Activity in the ectosylvian & lateral cortex, medial geniculate, reticular formation, center median thalamus & hippocampus;
Confirming Sheer et al.’s work, compared the EEG of middle- & high-I.Q. subjects during mental multiplication activity.
A 40-Hz rhythm occurred just prior to the subject’s answering the question. Forty--Hz pulses are thought to lead to synchronization coordination of neurons assigned to the processing of incoming sensory stimulation.
Put in “computerese,“ 40-Hz may be the brain’s “operating system“ frequency involved In The Processing Of Psi Information.
💛💜💚 My Channel is all about Pure Ascension.
I take all observations into account and always with my:
Wisdom, Knowledge and Experience,
I recreate Who I Really am and Share with the Oneness.
1 view
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