Cleaning up Kessex-Hügel!! Die Abenteuer von FredVonTyria! (Improving our German with GW2)

After saving the queen against a lunatic guard, we will now help to clean up the area from where he made a mess. Kessex-Hügel is still full of dangers and problems that stem from the actions of the guards actions, and so our hero must help the locals and fix the problems. We will also take some time to do some sight seeing around the area and see what we can find. The adventure continues! Oh, and we will be doing it in German to help us improve our Deutsch! Los geht’s! Abenteuer wartet auf uns! #language #learning #videogames #GW2 #learningwithgames #GuildWars2 #adventure #german Shout Out to Others: (only if you want to tip! This content is for free and for fun!)
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