TA-KU - We Were In Love

Directed & Produced by Jason Bock Starring Constanze Rudduck Jenna Smith Chrystal Ashford Michael Engelbrecht Diaz Grimm Jason Bock Megan Henderson Mikayla Mills Sarah Norris Ben Montgomery Samantha Attenborough Cinematography By Dan Ax Additional Cinematographers Ben Montgomery Žiga Zupančič (aka. “The Sniper“) Matic Prusnik 1st AC Michael Engelbrecht Colourist David Mclaren Sound Designers David Liversidge Solomon Bagley Composer Tom Dennison Editor & VFX Jason Bock Macro Scientist Allan Blackman Voice Bailey Wiley Vancouver Unit Director Josias Tschanz Producer Jason Thompson Cinematographer Dan Ax 1st AC Phat ‘Oak’ Siriwat Aerial Coordinator Jason Thompson Pilot Roland Choe A Special Thanks to Flying Fish Fishnclips Staples Prod
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