4 Years in 8 Minutes | Plant time-lapse compilation

A compilation of the best plant time-lapses from 2023. 1409 days in total. 0:00 STONE PINE 0:59 DRAGON FRUIT 1:56 SNAKE FRUIT 3:03 SWEET POTATO 4:15 DATE PALM 5:17 GHOST PEPPER 6:26 YELLOW ZUCCHINI 7:24 DWARF SUNFLOWER Some of the links below are affiliate links: All my plants are grown under grow lights from Horticultural Lighting Group, Use code “BOXLAPSE“ for a 20% discount at checkout: All music is licensed from epidemic sound, Sign up for a 30 day free trial: Music: Hope and a Future - Edgar Hopp Across the Waters - Dream Cave Planting the Seeds - David Celeste The Elders 2 - Augu...st Wilhelmsson End of an Era - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen Subscribe: Instagram: Facebook: https://www.f
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