What’s Going On? Hunter Biden SUDDENLY Drops Lawsuit after Biden Coup | Redacted w Clayton Morris

✅Videos we recommend: Hunter Biden suddenly dropped his lawsuit against Fox News on the same day that his father announced that he would drop his bid for re-election. That’s odd, right? It would almost seem as though he were emboldened by his political position and now he is not. Also on Monday, a judge dismissed a case against Fox News by Nina Jankowicz, a former Biden administration official who was taken to task over her role on the Disinformation Board, not just by Fox but by the Internet. She had sued Fox News because they accused her of censorship but the judge ruled that what she was doing was in fact censorship. ✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️ 👉 Call them today at tel: 800-613-3557 👉 or go to ⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital ⭐
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