Mickey Mouse : Musical Farmer ( The Swiss Cheese Incident )

As any person can venture a guess, this isn’t a real “Disney Production“ - Although it has been amusing to read the comment section for the last 6 months - I must confess - I simply threw this together with a “GIF“ I found online .... It was just cherry to find the musical farmer soundtrack seemed to nestle in so beautifully. So with a sepia filter and another overlay filter over that created the effect of an old film - It all came together reasonably well ... Enough so to fool thousands. Even funnier is seeing that my video has been downloaded and re-issued on various multi-media outlets, with said “proprietors“ taking credit for my lil’ gem ( LOL priceless) , & while I myself “borrowed“ the initial GIF that makes this video so lurid - The others “Borrowing“ my finished product did nothing more then download and post as their own creations, changing nothing in the process , that’s just lazy LOL - I’ve also seen my video has been downloaded and re-uploaded more then once here on youtube, although be
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