Pvz Garden Warfare 2 Players

I just noticed Gw2 is the only game i play, anyways here’s a Fan animation of this cool game ----- Also the All-Star song in the first transition is made by ’’fungegy’’ you can listen to the full thing here: ----- Don’t commit crimes! --- 0:00 - Title Card 0:18 - All Star players 0:49 - Cactus players 1:18 - Captain Deadbeard players 1:42 - Chomper players 2:05 - Foot soldier players 2:24 - Citron players 2:51 - Dave gaming 3:35 - Imp players 4:07 - Kernel corn players 4:49 - Peashooter players 5:34 - Scientist players 5:59 - Rose players 6:19 - Super brainz players 7:00 - Sunflower players 7:40 - Engineer players 9:05 - Credits
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