Best Starters for party at home. Salami Ring, shrimps, physalis, olives snacks recipes

Some quick and simple snacks – A unique presentation that will make your holiday table shine. Join our family 🤗 @Nat_Ura Full description with ingredients and recipe can be found on our blog - :) My videos are available in many languages. Click the [🇨🇨] icon in the upper right corner of the video and the three dots in the upper right corner to activate subtitles in your language. 00:00 Intro 00:11 Salami Ring on toast 00:59 Salami Siciliano with olives on toast 01:55 Tramezzino with cucumber and poultry pâté 02:57 Tramezzino star with shrimp and cucumber 04:30 Gorgonzola blue cheese with strawberry and honey If you like what we do and want to contribute, you can support us financially and thus enable us to continue making recipes 🥰
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