How Mexico City is turning into a farmland Oasis - GREENING THE CITY PROJECT

Mexico City is the 5th largest city in the world with population of around approximately 22 million, which classifies Mexico city as a mega city. It is situated in the The Central Mexican Plateau, at 2,240m in elevation. Mexico city is also slowly sinking at a rate of about 10 inches per year! The entire metropolis is built on top of a lake bed and the city pumps draw water from it. The ground below is sandy and unstable, which amplifies even small earthquakes by as much as 500%. All these factors have caused problems in the last decades with regards to the urban infrastructure, water management and waste disposal. Mexico City is the second biggest producer of waste among the world’s mega cities more than Half of this waste is produced at homes and 2,400 diesel-powered garbage trucks which are old and inefficient circulate the city every day. With approximately 90% of all household trash ending up in landfills, which emit methane, a potent greenhouse gas, accounting for 10% of global emiss
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