Justice - Instrumental Mix (Undertale)

Justice, the concept and the resposability of respecting and applying the most objective law. He doesn’t do what’s best for himself, nor for someone else - he simply does what is right! He’s the essence of order and equality. Unlike Integrity, Justice only rests after a conflict is solved for good and he doesn’t change his views in the slightest way - if he’s right, he’s right, and he’ll teach everyone a lesson, no matter what it takes!Justice’s only defect may be his proneness to the weight his shoulders constantly bear, and his abstract perfectionism, Justice can easily turn into wrath, which is, after all, a perverted love for aspires to be the line that defines where the good ends, and where the evil begins: “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.“ (Friedrich Nietzsche).
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