“AIKI“ according to Nomoto Tadashi Menkyo Kaiden, head of Daito-ryu Koshinkai
I was recently invited to discover the practice of Nomoto Tadashi Shihan, a Menkyo Kaiden holder from the line of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu started by Horikawa Kodo Sensei. I asked Nomoto Sensei to demonstrate some of the Aiki techniques for which his school of Daito-ryu is most well known.
Nomoto Sensei teaches in Tokyo the techniques passed down from Takeda Sokaku to Horikawa Kodo. For more information on Nomoto Sensei’s Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Koshinkai Headquarters, visit:
武田惣角から堀川幸道に伝承された合気技を、野本禎 免許皆伝師範が東京で伝える。
大東流合気柔術 幸心会本部
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--- CREDITS ---
- Camera, music and editing by
41 view
6 months ago 00:02:07 2
“AIKI“ according to Nomoto Tadashi Sensei from the Horikawa Kodo line of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu
7 months ago 00:19:17 1
Morihei Ueshiba - Asahi Shinbun Video (1935)
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Morihei Ueshiba. Bokken (木剣) and Jo (杖) techniques.