HAHAHHAHA! XDDD (знание инглиша и того кто такая Эллен)

мля ....я орууу! Hi,HELLO! I’d like to take this chance To pose a serious question How come folks get warm in their pants When they see two girls Frenching Which gets their blood flowing They think it’s sexy and obscene But unlike Lindsay Lohan To me it’s older than my dance routine I’ve been kissing girls since ninth grade That’s when I looked just like David Spade I kissed on girls that I liked best That’s not to say I was a full blown dyke-fest It may seem strange and down right queer But I didn’t pretend for my career I kissed on girls cause I like chicks I like chicks I mean women not the baby chicks, although I love baby chicks, those marshmellow Peeps, I try to shove them all in my mouth at the same time. What? Oh Now same sex marriage is okay California says so So you can get married if you’re gay Or if you’re a lesbo So all you homos get in line Before the voters change their minds I kissed my bride at my wedding We registered for flannel shirts and bedding I kissed Portia DeRossi How did I land this saucy Aussie Remember her on Ally McBeal She don’t look gay but she’s the real deal I kissed my girl at my wedding At my wedding And then we just got back from our honeymoon, it’s a funny word, honeymoon. Like a big moon made of honey with a lot of bees circling around it, probably going buzz and vibrating, vibrator, makes me think of something, I’ve just gotten off topic but I don’t mind. You ever wonder if fish ever go to the grocery store. Just you know, it doesn’t make any sense. You think they use coupons, they don’t even have arms so where would they put them, how would they hold them. Oh that’s good I gotta write that down. Hey Portia do you ever sing about fish going to the grocery store, how do they hold coupons
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