8. Europe, Model for the NWO - Hal Meyer

The synthesis the elite wants is the New World Order—a one-world system in which economics, religion, education, medicine, food, and all other aspects of life are controlled by a central power. This New World Order cannot come about without controlled conflict. In Das Capital, Karl Marx posed capitalism as thesis and communism as antithesis. However, a crucial element of this position has been ignored by most historians, including Marxists. They fail to notice that any conflict between these two forces cannot lead to a society governed by either one, but must lead to a society characterized by a synthesis of these two conflicting forces. For Hegelian thinkers, the function of a Congress or a Parliament is to allow the ordinary individuals to feel that their opinions have some value, and the state to take advantage of any wisdom that the population may come up with. Hegel writes this: “By virtue of this participation, subjective liberty and conceit, with their general opinion, [individuals] can show themselves palpably efficacious and enjoy the satisfaction of feeling themselves to count for something.“ Thus, for Hegel, the individual is merely a pawn in the larger unfolding of world events. Following this same line of thought, Hegel expects individuals to blindly follow a leader who essentially thinks for them. To such leaders, the common people are like expendable human cattle. This hierarchical system affects individuals’ own morality as they are taught and encouraged to say and do what’s politically correct, without realizing they are being manipulated. In this subtle way, an individual’s rights such as freedom of speech are taken away. Read about Martial Law in America. The state requires complete obedience from the individual citizen. Individuals cannot exist for themselves in these so-called organic systems, but only exist to perform a role in the operation of the state. Following the outbreak of war in 1939, social creditor C.H. Douglas said, “Unfortunately the world is in the grasp of theorists to whom misery and death of millions is a grain of sand beside the working out of their designs.” There was no freedom in Hitler’s Germany; there is no freedom for the individual under Marxism, and there will be no freedom in the New World Order. Quoted from :
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