A New Way to Look at Fibonacci Numbers

A look at how Pisano periods and the modulo function can turn the Fibonacci sequence into strange and fun visual designs. More links: Interactive circle designs by towerofnix: On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: Fibonacci Sequence (A000045): List of Pisano Periods (A001175): PICTURE CREDITS Lewitt, Sol. “Wall Drawing #33.“ 15 bytes. Artists of Utah, Kiki Karahalios, 27 Feb. 2019, Lewitt, Sol. “Wall Drawing #51.“ MASS MoCA. n.d., Lewitt, Sol. “Wall Drawing # 1115.“ Rice University News and Media Relations. Katharine Shilcutt, Estate of Sol Lewitt / ARS, 1 Nov. 2019, u/julekca. “[OC] Blade Runner 2
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