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This review & benchmark of the AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7960X CPU tests it vs. the TR 7980X, Threadripper 7970X, and mainstream parts like the Ryzen R9 7950X & Intel i9-14900K. The Threadripper 7960X CPU is a 24-core part, putting it closer to the 7950X in core count, but still different in I/O capabilities. Aside from the I/O options though, the 7960X may provide value in heavily multi-threaded applications while still balancing “over-specing“ the core count in scenarios where workloads can’t fully scale-up to 32 cores or 64 cores. It also offers a price balance. Although still expensive at $1500, the 7960X is the “cheapest“ Threadripper HEDT part in the current launch lineup.
WATCH our 7995WX CPU overclocking livestream:
WATCH our 7980X & 7970X review:
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