‘Judgment Is Coming’: Franklin Graham on End Times, Enemy’s Attempts to ‘Destroy Life,’ Hope

Evangelist Franklin Graham delivered powerful remarks before Friday’s 50th annual March For Life event, warning “judgment is coming” and urging Christians to “lift up” Jesus’ name to reach a lost world. Graham, who heads the Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, told CBN’s Faithwire he’s read Scripture and knows where culture is headed. “I know where we’re going,” he said. “I’ve read Revelation. I know what’s getting ready to happen to this world. Judgment is coming.” Graham continued, “God is going to judge this earth with the rejection of His Son, and there’s gonna be a great price to pay.” Thus, the evangelist spoke about the importance of bringing God’s hope to a weary world, imploring believers to encourage repentance and a quest for personal forgiveness. “This is the time for people to repent and turn from their sins and believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,” Graham said. “Jesus said, ‘I’m the way, the truth [and the] life. No man comes to
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