I’m sho bad at making sad viddies. )x
but I was rewatching this episode of magi and just, Aladdin losing his oneesan, I can’t.
on a side note, was debating whether or not to put a overlay on this, I decided I like simple and clean better, also. I’m super surprised this is over a minute. D:
EDIT: EW, these thumbnails are the worst evah! ;w;
|Other Information|
Anime: Magi the labyrinth of magic, and Magi the kingdom of magic. ♥
Song: Pm me ♥
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♦ Say It Again, Captain! || HitsuMatsu
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♦ More Things To Say [Sasuke x Hinata]
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♦Cheryl & Archie || Black Sea
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♦ Euphoric Hardstyle Mix ♦ 10k Subscriber Special ♦ May 2016 ♦
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♦ И в печали, и в радости (Say Shava Shava)
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Stiles & Derek ♦ Reconsider
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♦ #SRK [ @iamsrk ] says Thanks to All his Fans for 11 million on twitter