Apocalypse of Peter - AOP -- Ep 2: Should Christianity Restore the AOP to Canon? More quotes of AOP

You can download the public domain work of M.R. James from 1892 quoted in the video, as well as the web url / PDF version of James 1924 work’s contents on the Apocalypse of Peter. See our 6 links to Apocalypse of Peter versions online: PPT Folder: Apocalypse of Peter Our articles online about the Apocalypse of Peter with links to copies: 1. Jesus Warned of A Feigned Christ Claiming to Be Jesus & A Lawless Man of Cunning 2. Paulinist History of Anti-Paulinism Omits Apocalypse of Peter - part of first canon - where Jesus ******************* Edward Miessener asked on 10/14/2023: So it is true that Constantine invented Christianity in 325 CE after all! (Or re-invented it after himself.) Doug, I would lo
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