Good News!

Great news! Dr. Jay Smith just received a personal email from Hatun Tash saying that she is fine, while telling him something personal that only her and him know to prove it is from her and not the police, or anyone else. This is what we’ve been waiting for. PTL!! She has asked him to take down the video he uploaded on Thursday, which he has now done. So, feel free to pass on the good news to everyone you know who has been concerned about her. Dr. Jay also said: “She really wants us to stop worrying about her, but she cannot tell us why, at least not yet.“ M2M Network urges you to continue keeping our sister in prayer, and join us in the fight against Islam by sharing the Gospel with Muslims. Please remember the command of our Lord & Savior: “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.“ We will have a day of Fasting & Praying for our sister Hatun, this Thursday, December 28t
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