Everything Spamton for all your Spamton Needs (was made for my needs but i can share) Spoilers for everything, but specifically for the Secret Boss and Alternate Route. And everything Spamton, ofc. what i didn’t include: - answering “Give Money“ in second prompt. “DELICIUS KROMER. YUM YUM.“ *(You felt your KROMER being absorbed...) *(Wrong choice...?) “YUM YUM I NEED A LITTLE MORE “Generosity“ - answering “Buy Insurance“ in fourth prompt. “YUM YUM. DELICIS KROMER. DID YOU HAVE AN YMORE?“ *(You felt your KROMER being absorbed...) *(Wrong choice...?) “YUM YUM DID YOU WANT SOME MORE INSURANCE?“ - answering “Give Account Access“ in the last prompt. “YUM YUM GREAT DEAL KID. YOUR A BIG SHOT!! SAVING THE WORLD!!“ *(You felt your KROMER being absorbed...) *(Wrong choice...?) “YUM YUM DID YOU HAVE ANY MORE ACCOUNTS?“ (at the end of the battle with these choices no absurd costs
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