BUSHPIG SCAT BUTCHER DOLLROT ALBUM - BUSHPIG SCAT BUTCHER - THE ART OF GORE OUT SOON !!! ARTWORK BY TREVOR BROWN dollrot DNA injected toxin cellular abuse, False nourishment tapped like tainted crack-whore breast juice. Salicious! food shoved in holes til you puke. Balls explode! over-cooked by microwave nuke. Stuffed in cavities, splodging and creaming on fake titties, Chopped out implant jelly, lavishly feasting on still bodies. Fragments fester expel pollution out your gash, Green pus bursts from flaring canker sore rash, Caked cosmetics, pierced intense glaring-glimmer, Split open pussy drips with contagious clitty-glitter. Viral wildfire itching seething venerial whore, Tainted sickness smeared and sucked-up through gaping pores. --- Sex particles trigger hemetic toxification, Causing oxygen deprived erotik asphyxiation. Nanotech libido program homicidal cor
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