Nasser, Nationalism and the Arab Super State - Cold War DOCUMENTARY

⚔️ Season X: Highlanders is bringing Scottish might to Conqueror’s Blade. Play and get 7 days of premium time FREE here: Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on how the president of Egypt Gamel Abdel Nasser brought the Pan-Arabic Nationalism to the forefront of politics of the era and his attempts to create an Arab Super State What Happened to the German and Japanese POWs?: Operation Paperclip: German Expulsions: Soviet Education System: How Khrushchev Fed the Soviet People: Novocherkassk Massacre 1962: Soviet Tourism: Soviet Passport System: New Serfdom or Reform?: Kaliningrad: How Russia Got a Stronghold in Europe: How the Soviets Won the Early Space Race:
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