The Tibetan Doctors

This video is produced by GanYi, as her graduate project at Missouri School of Journalism. About Yothok-Yondengonpo Medical Association (YYMA): The origin of Yothok-Yondengonpo Medical Association is Dzongsar Tibetan Hospital. And the origin of Dzongsar Tibetan Hospital is Puma Cooperation Clinic, which was established by six different villages and townships. In 1981, under a new policy which allowed fixed farm output quotas for each household, Mr. Luore Phuntsok signed a contract with the clinic himself. For over twenty years, he was devoted to protecting the ecology of the natural environment, preserving traditional culture, and offering free medical treatments to the poor using his own resources. Later the clinic became “Dzongsar Tibetan Hospital“. Because of the extreme poverty of the neighborhood, the hospital has been providing free medical services to the local people, lamas, and nuns all along. (YYMA)
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