26,000 Dominoes ft. SPONGEBOB! (BMAC 15)

We toppled 26,000 dominoes featuring Spongebob, Buzz Lightyear, and more fun tricks for the 15th Annual Domino Toppling Extravaganza at the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center (BMAC 15). Watch all BMAC domino topples: Builders: @Hevesh5, @WrightReactions, @MarDominoes, and @bpdolesdominoes4 🌟 BUY DOMINOES: (“H5 Domino Creations” is my own brand of precision-engineered dominoes & accessories, which I designed specifically for toppling) 👕 MERCH: (signed dominoes, H5 shirts, posters & more!) Hi there! My name is Lily Hevesh, also known as “Hevesh5.” As a Domino Artist, I design, build, and topple thousands of dominoes to create beautifully intricate chain reactions. I’ve been fortunate to be able to create Domino Art full-time, and do commercial projects for Hollywood films, TV shows, and events. My mission is to encourage other
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