CGI 3D Animated Short “Mezcaliente“ - by ESMA
Watch this funny 3D animated short called “Mezcaliente“ as two desperadoes in the middle of the Mexican desert, fall to the charms of a young barmaid, and use their skills in order to seduce her. created by the talented team of Arthur BODART, Valérian DAUNIS, Thibaut FOURNIE, Lionel LERICHE, Félix PIRRITANO, Karen SEGHETTO. For more information, please see the details and links below:
Réalisateurs / Directors : Arthur BODART, Valérian DAUNIS, Thibaut FOURNIE, Lionel LERICHE, Félix PIRRITANO, Karen SEGHETTO
Music : Clément BELIO, Jordan SERY, Loïc TOURNIER, Ecole MAI Nancy
Voices : -
Sound : José Vicente – Studio des aviateurs
Film d’animation réalisé dans le cadre de la formation cinéma d’animation 3D de l’école ESMA.
© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques
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