Everything Is Just a Dream in the Mind of Consciousness

Is everything a dream? Does anything exist? And if not, then how can we explain what’s going on? Rupert says that nothing exists, period. What’s going on is an appearance. When you dream the beach, the trees, the water, the sand, the people and so on all seem to exist. But when you wake up, you realise there were no objects there. The time and space that seemed to be real in the dream are utterly unreal from the perspective of the waking state. We’re in a kind of dream state here where time and objects in space seem to be real from our localised points of view. But when we wake up, when we go from the dream state to the waking state and from the waking state up one level to consciousness, it’s like waking up from a dream. There are no objects here. There’s no time and space. All that’s there is consciousness. *This video is taken from one of Rupert’s in-person retreats at the Mercy Centre 7 to 14 May, 2023. To view and book for upcoming retreats (many of whic
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