JOKER Drawing - ALL jokers - Pritam Saha Arts

#JOKER #drawing #DC Time approx - 19 HOURS Joker 🃏 The Joker, the archenemy of the #fictional #superhero #Batman, has appeared in #various media. #WorldCat (a catalog of libraries in 170 countries) records over 250 productions featuring the Joker as a subject, including films, television series, books, and video games. Live-action films featuring the character are typically the most successful. The Joker has been portrayed by #Cesar_Romero in the 1966 film Batman; #Jack_Nicholson in the 1989 film Batman; #Heath_Ledger in the 2008 film The Dark Knight; #Jared_Leto in the 2016 film Suicide Squad; and #Joaquin_Phoenix in the 2019 solo origin story film Joker. Over the years, various actors have provided the character’s voice in television, animated, motion comic, and video game form. Mark Hamill is often credited as the iconic voice of the Joker. JOKER Drawing - Jack Nicholson - Heath Ledger - Jared Leto - Joaquin Phoenix Speed drawing: The evolution of The Joker Joker Ti
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