“ПАПА ДЛЯ АЛЁШИ“ фильм Татианы Эрденко / Daddy for Alyosha - a film by Tatiana Erdenko

Новый год. Святочная история. Это фильм о детской вере потрясает до слёз!!! Шестилетний Алёша пишет Деду Морозу письмо, с просьбой подарить ему на Новый год папу... Six-year-old Alyosha writes a letter to Santa Claus, asking for a father as a Christmas story is about a boy, his inner grief and his hope and faith in a miracle. Six-year-old Alyosha writes a letter to Santa Claus, asking for a father as a Christmas story is about a boy, his inner grief and his hope and faith in a miracl
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