Ned’s Newt the complete first season

[0:00:00] Out with the old, in with the newt/What rock through yonder window breaks [0:22:42] Nightmare on Friendly Street/A Snitch in Time [0:44:39] Voyage to the center of the dump/Happy Blood alter ring to you [1:06:34] Mars Dilemma/Saturday Night Fervor [1:28:29] Citizen Ned/The Most Grating Show on Earth [1:50:25] Jurassic Joyride/Take a Hike [2:12:20] New Improved Zippo/What Big Rewrite Notes you Have 2:34: alone with Frank/The Lucky Penny 2:56:12 Help Me I’m Bald/Planes, Trains and Newtmobiles 3:18:08 The Broken Record/Newton’s Day Out 3:40:03 Can’t see the Forest through the Tree Fort/Saving Lummox 4:01:59 Newton Falls in Love/Show Me the Money 4:23:54 One Flu over the Cuckoo’s Nest/ Mall Good Things Come to an End So here’s the thing, some of the episodes aren’t the best quality HOWEVER since I did tape some episodes off the tv back when the show aired on Teletoon Retro there’s nothing I can really do about it I cl
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