Think about this. Pamela Hardy, more commonly as Jungle Pam, was in drag racing for only four short years, yet her name remains iconic nearly four decades later. That’s major longevity for someone whose main claim to fame was backing up a race car while scantily clad. Jungle Pam ran the roads as the yin to Jungle Jim Liberman’s yang. She was the salt to his pepper. We think you get the drift. As much as she’s enjoyed life as an ordinary citizen of West Chester, Pa., for the last four decades or so, drag racing fans have clamored for drag racing’s ultimate backup girl. The day she stepped in front of Liberman, scantily clad, she was sentenced to a life of anything but ordinary. In this premiere episode of Legends: The Series, Season Three, Jungle Pam discusses those days of barnstorming drag racing and life on the road. She touches on drag racing as she sees it, and the loss of Jungle Jim, a loss she still feels pain for all these years later.
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