Friend of World

Благодарю вас за просмотр. Ваша оценка важна для меня, вне зависимости от того, будет ли она положительной или нет. Комментарии и аргументируемая критика приветствуется. Авторская песня. Текст песни: “This guy was the kind of guys who just likes to live. He was kinder us, he wasn’t in vain all believed. He knew that good deeds could save this old world, And one day people will forget what a sword is for. But not today, and this guy is no longer with us. But we remember him, and his eyes filled with truth. He once was Leha, But now became Lepeha. He once was Leha, But now became Lepeha. He was best friend of world and friend of me. I want to say to you, it’s happiness always together be. But he had his own way that changed from day to day, And so as not to hurt anyone, he will go go far away. But not today, and this guy is still with us. And we remember him, and his eyes filled with truth. Someday he will Lepeha, but now he still Leha. Someday he will Lepeha, but now he still Leha.“ Explanation: “Leha“ is a household variant of the name Alex, used in Slavic countries. “Lepeha“ is the household name of a bakery product, native to Central Asia. “To break into a cake(lepeha)“ is an expression meaning literally to die, having received serious damage from a fall or collision with something. In this song, a different meaning of this expression is used - to become a Lepeha means to stop being who you were before, to change, to leave everyone. It reads like “Lep’oha“ and “L’oha“.
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